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,编辑人:赵文龙,浏览:1150 次

简介:8.5 参考文献 [1] (Lazer,et al.2009)Lazer D,Pentland A,Adamic L,et al.Computational Social Science[J].Science.2009,323(5915):721-723. [2] (Schich,et al.2014)Schich M,Song C,Ahn Y,et al.A network ...
,编辑人:赵文龙,浏览:1112 次

简介:7.6 参考文献 [1] (Amiri,et al.2012)Amiri,H.,&Chua,T.S.(2012,October).Mining sentiment terminology through time.In Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and knowledge m...
,编辑人:赵文龙,浏览:1627 次

简介:6.4 参考文献 [1] (Adomavicius 2005)G.Adomavicius,"Towards the Next Generation of Recommender Systems:A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Possible Extensions",IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data En...
,编辑人:赵文龙,浏览:1251 次

简介:5.9 参考文献 [1] (Salton,et al.1975)G.Salton,A.Wong,and C.S.Yang.A vector space model for automatic indexing.Commun.ACM,18:613–620,November 1975. [2] (Ponte&Croft 1998)Jay M.Ponte and W.Bruce Cr...
,编辑人:赵文龙,浏览:802 次

简介:4.8 参考文献 [1] (Allam&Haggag 2012)Allam,A.M.N.,&Haggag,M.H.(2012).The question answering systems:A survey.International Journal of Research and Reviews in Information Sciences (IJRRIS),2(...
,编辑人:赵文龙,浏览:587 次

简介:3.8 参考文献 [1] (Ghemawat,et al.2003)Sanjay Ghemawat,Howard Gobioff,and Shun-Tak Leung."The Google file system."ACM SIGOPS operating systems review.Vol.37.No.5.ACM,2003. [2] (Dean&Ghemawa...
,编辑人:赵文龙,浏览:684 次

简介:2.7 参考文献 [1] (Bordes,et al.2013) Bordes,A.,Usunier,N.,Garcia-Duran,A.,Weston,J.,&Yakhnenko,O.(2013).Translating embeddings for modeling multi-relational data.In Proceedings of NIPS. [2] (Don...
,编辑人:赵文龙,浏览:866 次

简介:1.8 参考文献 [1] (Raina,et al.2009)Raina,R.,Madhavan,A.,&Ng,A.Y.(2009).Large-scale deep unsupervised learning using graphics processors.In ICML(Vol.9,pp.873–880). [2] (Mnih&Hinton 2009)Mnih,...
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